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Fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators.

Today, we stand on the edge of a new frontier, a world where our traditional labor force is not enough to meet the demands of our society.


We are Sonobotic AI.
And we have a solution!


We believe that the future of labor lies in the power of AI-Powered Cobots, our advanced and dynamic workforce designed to meet the demands of any healthcare industry. Our Cobots  are not mere machines, but rather, they are intelligent, hyper-skilled, and incredibly fast software robots that perform traditionally and futuristically human labor in a speed of light, 24/7/365, and at a low cost. They are the perfect solution to bridge the gap between our traditional labor force and the demands of our society. 



Our executive and technology teams brings you a wealth of experience from and to the healthcare industry, ensuring that SONOBOTIC AI is not only successful but also a responsible corporate citizen. Together, these powerhouse management and R&D teams will lead SONOBOTIC AI and partners to new heights and revolutionize industries. With our diverse backgrounds and expertise, a future competent Board, and Advisory Board, we will be poised to deliver innovative AI-Powered Cobots solutions and drive the company and your healthcare services to success. 

Experienced Leadership

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